

We all want to do good work with whatever we do but sometimes perfection comes into the picture and it stops us from the real action. It brings a feeling that we are not ready yet. You might be working on a chapter, preparing a report or a presentation, thinking about going to a conference, applying for a job or a grant. What perfection might cause is that you feel paralysed to do anything.

The problem with waiting for the right moment to start something is that it never comes. We need to create it and decide that this is it. Then the energy shifts and with placing your attention at the task you will be able to move on. The key is to start small.

Perhaps it’s time that you start doing things imperfectly. If you are working on a paper or a chapter, it’s about deciding when you will do it and then committing to stick with it without going over the first sentence hundred times and trying to polish it before you get going. Start with a clear outline and then allow yourself to write without the focus being on the number of words written but rather the content.  

When you act imperfectly you also take courage. Anything big and successful has started from small steps, imperfect action and experiencing some sort of failure. This is how we learn. It is through this process that you will start to get to know yourself better.

What are you going to start imperfectly this week?