Summer gives us a great opportunity to be more outdoors, enjoy the warm weather and have more fun. It also invites us to connect more with our senses and through this to re-connect with the present moment.
When was the last time you ate something truly tasty, and actually fully enjoyed all the flavours and colours of the food in front of you? That is without looking at your phone, watching TV or being distracted in any other way. We sometimes tend to do multiple things at the same time to manage everything, but we actually don’t pay full attention to anything properly and so we lose the present moment.
I would encourage you to listen more to the closest people you live with. Give them your full attention. How many times have they been telling you something and you kind of listened but also thought about what you need to sort out by the evening or what you need to buy for dinner? Actively listen to the people around you and be more aware of other sounds too.
Touch is also an important sense. Be more aware of the things you touch – for example materials, fabrics but also water. And of course, human touch is so important for our wellbeing - enjoy and experience it more with your loved ones.
Summer is time for holidays and breaks. Everything is more vibrant. People visit different countries, go to beaches, explore different places and new cultures. These encounters bring new smells with them as well and an opportunity to engage more actively with this sense.
And finally, really see what’s going on around you. Pay attention to the path you take and to the details on your way to work. This weekend, I would like to invite you for a walk. Wake up earlier and go to a park or forest that is nearby or go for an early morning run. If you live in a busy city centre – could you find a park nearby? You will notice that the morning atmosphere is different, all is quieter giving you an opportunity to start the day in a calm way.
Reconnecting with your senses empowers you and you feel more alive. You start to be more aware of your surroundings and take in more the beauty that is around you. There are so many wonderful things around us and paying more attention to them is vital for our wellbeing.
Where will you go this weekend?