What would you do?


Imagine that somebody would give you a grant for 6 months covering all expenses and giving you the freedom to do anything you want. After the 6 months you can return back to your work and all other responsibilities if you want. What would you do?

I asked this question a couple of people around me and all said that they would travel.

What would be your choice? Would you want to travel as well? If yes, where would you go and what exactly would you do? What would you fill those 6 months with?

For some people imagining this might appear quite difficult. I could almost hear some saying ‘It won’t happen – so why bother?’ Well, the point is that usually the things that you said you would like to do are quite important in your life and really matter. They can be pushed aside and never looked at but an important part in your life would be missing.

The clarity over what you would want to do can lead you to doing those things in your own way. Once you consider something important and start giving it your attention more of it will come into your life. Perhaps, it won’t be 6 months in the end but a weekend somewhere for a start? Or one or two weeks?

Look for options how to make things happen rather than finding excuses for why it won’t work. Empower yourself and allow yourself to explore and have the adventure you wanted. It will light up something in you and bring a sparkle that can ignite more joy in your life.

Are you up for it?