
This time of the year we feel more introspective. The weather has changed, it’s a lot colder and there is less light – sun goes down around 4pm and it makes quite a difference to the day. We are less energetic in the evenings and prefer being home gathering around friends and family.


In the winter, it’s good to adjust to this new rhythm - slow down a bit and remember the importance of self-care. Winter is needed so that in the spring the new life comes again. This stage prepares the ground for a new beginning and all that spring brings with it. Living with the seasons is important but we often forget it and push with our life styles through the whole year.

December is coming slowly to its end and with it also this calendar year. How was it for you? Find some time to take stock of all you have done, achieved and completed this year. How much effort and energy did you put into it? What were your three best experiences this year?

I invite you to take some time to reflect and to appreciate what you have done and what lessons you have learnt. Sometimes it’s the challenges that put you on the right path and looking back you get to connect the dots and find meaning in your life experiences. What matters is the learning that you take forwards with you, the changes that you make as a result of it and beyond all - it is your intention that will guide you in the right direction. After all, you are the designer of your life.