January is over half way through, and the New Year has fully rolled out. How were your first couple of weeks this year?
Starting a New Year and in this case also a new decade brings new aspirations, ideas and goals. It’s a good time to take stock, pause and reflect if you are still on the right track in your life direction or if a re-adjustment would be useful.
It’s good to remember though that you can start anew every day. You can re-commit to things and start again. Both commitment and the actual ‘showing up’ are key to getting things done. At times, you might need to re-commit, accept that you slipped and decide on how you want to do things differently. Self-awareness is the magic word here. As long as you learn a lesson and you know what you need to do differently you are moving in the right direction. It’s a process and these opportunities provide you with a space to learn; they are also baby steps important for reaching the bigger goals.
When thinking about recommitting or changing you often know what exactly you don’t want anymore, what doesn’t work and who you don’t want to be anymore – relating to roles, behaviours and skills. For your brain it’s easier to start from the negative – what you don’t want. Can you imagine now changing the perspective and focusing on who you want to BE, what you want to DO and HAVE?
It brings a shift, clears some space and allows your mind and brain to create a new vibration. Vitally, it changes your attention and so your focus. It was a great coach Christine Kane through whom I got introduced to the concept. It changes your perspective and allows you to feel first who you want to be without any obstacles in the way. Once you have clarity over the final result you can design a way towards it – either on your own or with support of somebody else.
Who do you want to BE this year?
What do you want to DO this year?
What do you want to HAVE this year?